Friday, August 21, 2009


This seems to be the third in a musical theme. First, Elvis; then, Les Paul; now, Hank Williams. I have been working on a poster for a friend who is one of the organizers of this event. I worked with the picture he gave me. I lessened its intensity to about 80 % and added a beige tint and then put the printing on top.

The first concert was held three years ago and raised money to help a child who needed an operation. The poster hasn't changed much, but this time we enlarged the photo to cover the full 8 1/2 x 11 sheet.

For those who like Hank Williams and/or gospel music this is a concert with a lot of local talent.

Now I must get back to cartooning and NSTC and TAS stuff. That's what this Blog was supposed to be about.

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