Sunday, November 1, 2009

Has it been that long ?

While thinking that I needed a new blog picture, I spotted this 1997 Yearbook in the shelves above me. On opening it, I spotted this page that seemed to say and summarize so much. Kathy VanZoost and Nikki Payne and their staffr did a great job on this, the final NSTC yearbook.
Can it be that long ago ? Twelve years. Of course, I've been retired fourteen years.
Those uniforms will bring back a lot of memories, not only for those who played on NSTC teams but for those who urged them on from the stands or on the sidelines.
1854-1997 It was the end of an era, but the memories will live on, and the success of its program continues in the classrooms of Nova Scotia and beyond.

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