Tuesday, March 16, 2010

TC Hockey

While at the Little White Schoolhouse Museum this morning, Bill Canning showed me a picture of a 1967-68 NSTC Hockey team. Decided to scan it in for my blog. I remember a number of them, and I know that most of them would bne retired now or onto a second career. 1967-68 - that was my fifth year at TC.


  1. Hi Neil,
    Are you in this picture?

  2. Hi again Neil,
    I tried the previous post just to see if I would have success, because as you know I haven't been able to. So, success! but don't know why except I am actually using a different computer.
    Perhaps that is the reason. But, back to my previous question, are you in the picture and were you a hockey player? My dad was a goalie in his university days.

  3. Played basketball, baseball and even rugby in high school, but I wasn't a hockey player. This was the NSTC team a few years after I started teaching there. I taught a few of the players and knew most of the others. Thanks for dropping by. Neil
