Friday, July 3, 2009


Today's challenge is to upload a video. Several years ago I did a powerpoint presentation on our three cats. They were about fifteen at the time. Fosboury and Digger went to Cat Heaven last year, but the third, Twiggy, is alive and well and running the house. We obtained Digger and Twiggy from the Agricultural College; Fosbury was a foundling, raised by our daughter, who flew home from the West Coast for a comfortable nice retirement. Cats have been an important part of our family and household for a long time. I converted the powerpoint to a video; hope it works and you enjoy it.


  1. Hi Neil,
    I just can't seem to get the video on my dial up computer. And you know anything with cats I am interested in. Oh well.
    I enjoyed the email you sent me last year with your cats, it was much comfort to me after losing my little Liona cat. They are wonderful pets, and I still have 3.

  2. Sorry about that. I thought I'd try the video, to see if I could do it, but it's probably large and best to have direct line. Maybe if you visit Judy some time. Do they have a direct line at the art gallery where you work ? Two openings and exhibits this week. People have been busy. Thanks for dropping by, Neil

  3. Love the cat images, and love the names of yuor cats!

  4. Names are carefully chosen, and the cats seem to grow into and fit their names. - N
