Friday, July 31, 2009

Mural Launch

""People of the Dawn" Mural Launch

On Tuesday, July 28th, an Open House in the afternoon and a Reception in the evening celebrated the launch of Alan Syliboy's mural. This impressive work will be heading to Vancouver to enhance one of the Olympic Venues.

I attended the evening reception which featured the band Lone cloud and was well attended. It was a time of celebration - for the artist, the Mi'kmaq people and the Truro Arts community. Congratulations, Alan. An impressive work - in concept and in execution. Halliday's should also be congratulated for providing the space for the exhibition. Thanks, Janice, for the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. The photographs are wonderful. Thanks for posting them and thanks to Janice for providing them. They really took me back to that very happy and important event.
