Saturday, August 15, 2009

To the Classes '09

Friday Night - a Time of Celebration!
Congratulations to the Classes '09 at the NSTC (and the Normal College)Reunion. Imagine! I had three TC class groups there: 1969, 79 and 89. It's a happy time. They look so young. They're happy to be reuniting with friends and recalling happy times in Truro and at NSTC . Exchanging news about careers, children, families. Grads seem glad to see faculty and staff who turn out. It's a welcoming place.
Lenore Zann was guest speaker and she did a fine job. She is such a positive person and her dreams for the Normal College building struck a fine note with those in attendance.
Thanks to those who do the background work that makes such an event happen. It's a time I enjoy. Glad to see former students and colleagues. Cheers!

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