Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thoughts on Blogging

Well, I've been at this blogging business for awhile now. What do I think of it ? Well, I've been enjoying the process - doing a few drawings, taking some pictures, looking through old cartoons and deciding on what I might use.

I've enjoyed learning to do certain things. The whole blogging business is new. I've also learned to create slide show videos, add a music video and do an imageloop video. I've tried a number of other things but they weren't successful and didn't make the airwaves.

I've also enjoyed following Judy and Susan's blogs, and I've enjoyed searching out other blogs around the world. I appreciate comments from viewers. All have been from friends who knew of the blog; it will be interesting if anyone stumbles upon it sometime and either comments or sends professor tassel an email. It's been and learning and sharing experience with Judy and Susan, and that's been fun.

Weird things happen. Sometimes thing's don't go aloft when they should and I don't know where they go. This morning, I notice that my five followers are missing. Has there been a mass resignation ? Did they get tired of following ? Is there a time limit ? Must check out if I'm still a follower on Judy and Susan's blogs. (No, I've been deleted or hidden on their blogs. It must be a bigger blogger problem.)

Time to get on with other things. Have a good day, weekend, week or whatever. Cheers!


  1. Hi Neil,
    That's strange about your followers. I still see all five of us though when I look at your blog, so maybe it is only you who can't see them!!! and what does that mean? many questions...
    anyhow I think you are doing a fine job on this blog of yours and you are certainly trying out many new techniques with great sucess!

  2. Hi, Judy, and thanks for the comments. My followers are now back with me. Must have been an updating or blog thing as they were gone for awhile. We were in Hfx overnight for Jean's appointment today. Other than the weather, things went well. When will summer and sunshine come ? Will you painters paint things as they are or will you pretend we have blue skies and clouds and sunshine ... ?

  3. Hi Neil,
    I think things come and go on these blogs, I often just get page not found, then try again and all is well. I see you as a follower still, I am impressed by all you are doing. It is a great learning tool. I for one am just about rained out, but feel so good when sun ever appears.
