Thursday, July 2, 2009

Two Art Shows

Short note today. I've been working on converting some
powerpoint presentions (short) to video and we'll see if they
work or not at a later date.

Thought I'd let Arty announce a couple of Art Exhibits. Pam Swainson has an exhibit "The Figure Made Landscape" which opens tonight, July 2nd, at McCarthy Hall Gallery at seven o'clock. Tomorrow night, Judy Arsenault's exhibit "Trees" opens at the Fraser Centre in Tatamagouche. Both exhibits run through July.

Arty appears on the Truro Art Society website on the newsletter page. Check out the site.


  1. Hey Neil,
    Pam's opening was great tonight, lots of people, lots of Pam's friends, lots of food, special cupcakes made by Hannah Guinan, and rest of food by myself and Janice Guinan. The work was lovely and even mayor of Truro, Bill Mills was there. That was thanks to Janice. A few paintings sold and I am sure more will. Tomorrow it is off to Tatamagouche for Judy's show. Wonder who is doing the food there....

  2. Sounds great. Sorry I couldn't be there. I'm sure Judy will have a nice and successful opening too. Remember, you're going for the art not the food. Ha!
