Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Tried to find an animated flag, but can't seem to find one that I can upload to this blog. This one will have to do. Maybe I can figure out how to save and transfer or upload YouTube videos. There are a number of waving flags there. (I think this came from; I'm supposed to mention that, but then again the flag doesn't seem to wave in the breeze. Maybe it will when it goes aloft.

Anyway, HAPPY CANADA DAY! It was a fun day as a child in Middleton, Nova Scotia. Flags on the front lawn or verandas, street parade, Commercial Street closed off for booths, chocolate covered ice cream on popcicle sticks, games of chance, etc. Suppers and strawberry shortcake (with biscuits), and baseball, usually a double header - the Middleton Cardinals vs teams from Halifax or Liverpool or Kentville. This morning's entry seems to be a nostalgic view of "Dominion Day" in the Heart of the Valley" umpteen years ago.

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